Wednesday, September 23, 2015

One Week

It was a week ago today that I noticed Hazel was in labor.  By noon, she was nursing two puppies. It is amazing how much they change and develop in just one week.  The puppies are all looking so good!  They are starting to really  move around the whelping box with ease. A couple of them are already getting up on all fours to get to the source of milk very quickly.  The kids love to watch them navaigate so presicily with only the sense of smell!  As you will be able to see in the pictures, Hazel is producing plenty of milk for her babies...their tummies are all so round!  These four puppies are being very spoiled with plenty of milk, but also plenty of hands and arms to hold them. When your kids outnumber the puppies, you know they are going to get held alot!

This is "Will" the yellow male:

 Look at the round tummy on him!  Romee (the one holding him in the picture) has discovered that he loves being held on his back, like a baby.  She picks him up and bounces him gently until he falls back to sleep.  It's pretty darn cute.

This is the black male: "Tommy"
All the puppies are almost exactly the same size, but the girls claim he feels the lightest when they hold him.  He almost always sleeps with his tongue out.   

"Daisy" and "Tommy"
"Ivy" and "Tommy"

 From top to bottom "Ivy", "Tommy", "Daisy"...seriously, look at those chubby tummies!  
 "Ivy": The only distiguishing feature we can tell with the yellows, is that we think "Ivy" has the lightest coloring around her muzzle.  It will be interesting to see how they change over the next couple weeks.  We can't wait until we get to start seeing thier personalites!